September 7, 2023

How This Speaker Got 19 Speaking Gigs (And Counting) With One Talk Featuring Nicole Hatherly

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How This Speaker Got 19 Speaking Gigs (And Counting) With One Talk Featuring Nicole Hatherly

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Be honest: Do you have a graveyard of talks you’ve delivered 1, 2 or 3 times? Do you feel like you’re creating a new talk for almost every speaking opportunity?

If you’re picturing your Canva dashboard packed with slide decks, right about now, you’re in good company.

Many of my Signature Talk Accelerator students come into the program with a bunch of talks, before honing in on a signature talk topic that’s versatile enough to be used over and over again.

Nicole Hatherly, a Global Brand Strategist & Professional Speaker, was one of these students. As an already good speaker, she struggled with the idea of how to clearly articulate her expertise into one talk. 

But inside the Signature Talk Accelerator she found her ‘margarita message’–my spicy way of asking what you want your audience to know when you’re 3 margarita’s deep in a conversation. That’s when all the extra word fillings go away, and you hone in on a simple and concise message that resonates with your audience. 

In this episode you’ll hear why Nicole no longer believes a signature talk is a one-trick pony, and how she’s been able to customize her talk to business, corporate, and academic audiences all by shifting the stories she tells. By making these tweaks Nicole takes her signature talk and makes her audiences feel the talk was made just for them. 

You’ll love hearing how the trajectory of Nicole’s business (and confidence) changed within 6 months of creating the rough draft of her signature talk.

In this episode, Nicole and I discuss:

  • leveling up as a professional speaker
  • pitching your talk before you’re ready
  • embracing imperfection in your talk and business
  • refining your talk for different audiences
  • being purposeful with your off stage time 
  • connecting with the audience before & after your talk
  • adapting a signature talk into workshops, programs, and one-on-one client sessions



Nicole is obsessed with Brand Strategy and Humans. With three decades of experience as an award-winning Global Brand Strategist, International Keynote, Thought Leadership Expert, and International Awards Judge, Nicole has designed strategies and driven results for iconic and global brands including CommBank, CommSec, TikTok, Foxtel, Woolworths, Subaru, Electrolux, Yahoo, Mirvac and Telstra and shared the stage with Brené Brown, Seth Godin and Arianna Huffington. 

Connect with Nik via Instagram | LinkedIn

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Sprinkle these 19 magnetic phrases into your next talk or interview to boost your authority and seamlessly sell your stuff. 

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