March 28, 2024

Ep 231: Hustle vs Busyness: How I Work Without the Grind

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Ep 231: Hustle vs Busyness: How I Work Without the Grind

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Ok real talk— I almost didn’t hit publish on this episode. After I finished recording I had serious “wait— I can’t publish that trainwreck of a ramble” thoughts.

But lately, I’ve been craving far more rambles and far less polish.

And if that’s you too— then hit play, because this one might just be what you need to hear. 

Today we’re talking about hustle and why I will proudly continue to make it part of my life (why should we all should stop feeling guilty for working our tails off from time to time).  It’s all about working with intention, and finding a flow that fuels you instead of draining you.

In this episode, we’ll talk about:

  • My relationship with the word “hustle” and why I think it is necessary
  • How I got my business off the ground in the first two years 
  • The key difference between hustling and being busy
  • Why being intentional is the new hustle
  • The importance of hitting pause in your business 


Enjoyed this episode? You also might love: 

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