March 16, 2023

Crafting a Signature Talk: Tips for Customizing Your Message to Any Audience

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Crafting a Signature Talk: Tips for Customizing Your Message to Any Audience

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Have you ever wondered how to customize a talk for a different audience? It’s a question I get asked all the time.

In this episode, I’ll share with you the approach I teach my clients to craft and tailor their message. You’ll learn tactical tips on how to expand or contract your talk, and the three levels of engagement that you can use to create a customized engagement activity that resonates with your audience.

In this episode, you’ll learn:

  • Why having a signature talk can help establish you as an industry authority
  • How to be intentional with your speaking by framing your ideas in a way that connects with both your audience and the host
  • What makes your signature talk so unique 
  • Key questions to ask when preparing for speaking opportunities and customizing your talk
  • The three levels of engagement that will help you fully engage your audience and inspire action
  • Plus practical tips for customizing your talk for different audiences while staying true to your core message

So if you’re ready to take your speaking to the next level, tune in and discover how to create a signature talk that truly resonates with your audience.



🔥Nail your message, hone your story and craft your rockin’ talk in just 3 days— be the first to know when The Signature Talk Accelerator opens. CLICK HERE to get on the waitlist

And here’s a few other episodes you might love too:

Grab this guide with 7 strategies + 23 tactics for turning unpaid speaking engagements or podcast interviews into tangible results.

Sprinkle these 19 magnetic phrases into your next talk or interview to boost your authority and seamlessly sell your stuff. 

GRAB the free stuff

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