I bet reaching more people and creating a meaningful impact is one of your aspirational goals.
And as an online business owners, you’re trying to blend marketing strategies designed to reach the masses with a more personable, relationship focused approach.
So the question is: how can you truly connect with people through relationships AND grow at the speed you want? And if people don’t know who you are or what services you offer, how can you expect them to pay attention and to trust you?
In this week’s episode, we’re looking in the rearview mirror to help you reflect on your visibility efforts and determine a strategy you can implement next year—one that is aligned, more intentional and will create a bigger impact in your business. Whether you’ve been doing visibility for a while but you haven’t gotten much traction or you put it on the backburner, this episode is a must listen.
In this episode, we dig into…
- Building relationships through mutual connections
- Some of the powerful ways to build meaningful relationships in the online business
- How can you make visibility be mutually beneficial to you (and to other people)
- Reflecting questions to help you approach visibility next year in a bigger level
- Five speaking strategies you can use in your business to achieve your goals
Episode Show Notes
Visibility is not just about getting eyeballs on your business and on you. It’s getting your message in front of the right people at the right time. The relationships that you build will be more important than ever in building your online business.
As you pause and reflect this time of year, here are some questions to guide you so you can make a difference in how you approach next year’s visibility in a bigger way.
❓What “stages” did I speak on last year?
Take some time to review your calendar from last year.
I want you to pop through your calendar and specifically look for the visibility efforts that you did this last year. This is the first step.
There might be a ton, there might be a few, there might be none. Even if you think you had none, I want you to look back and think about these “stages.” It could be a podcast interview,a guest speaking inside somebody else’s program, going live on Instagram or on Facebook. I want you to think about what stages you speak on this last year. Where did you show up?
Hopefully, you added these to your calendar and if not make a mental note that you need to add these on your calendar next year so that you can keep track of them. We review that information on a monthly, quarterly and annual basis in our business.
❓What worked?
Next, I want you to look at the speaking opportunities and ask yourself, what worked?
This is very, very basic but just because it’s simple, it doesn’t mean that it’s not effective and it’s not important to do. Pay attention and identify where you got the most return on your time. It could lead to an actual sale or probably a return on time or return on energy.
Where did you light up this year? Where did you feel the energy that you put in you were like on fire lit up when you were done? Maybe you were a guest speaker inside someone’s membership and it was so awesome to have the Q&A chat box light up when you got to that part, being able to serve up and love up on those people.
I also want you to ask what worked in terms of return on hype. Which shows were you able to hype up this last year? Which stages did you speak on? Did you actually do the hype?
What I mean by that is did you talk about this with your audience? Are you posting this on your social? Are you sharing it with your email list? Were you creating hype for the work that you were doing? Take inventory of that as well.
❓What was stick and what didn’t work for you?
It doesn’t have to be what didn’t work in terms of what didn’t give you a result you wanted but it’s more of what felt sticky and heavy for you? It could be that video interviews or probably doing masterminds because the pressure was high—anything that felt too heavy for you.
I want you to bring this to high awareness because asking these reflecting questions will help you choose a visibility path that will energize you and then we could put some metrics to get you results from it. (Check out Podcast Episode 109 and learn the three audits you can do to improve your speaking results)
Essentially, you have to pay attention to what brought you energy and what sucked your energy this last year and why it didn’t work for you.
On the other hand, think about the things that lit you up. What was it about that that you loved? Were there certain stages or certain people that you were working with? Was it a certain style of interview, or a panel, or a teaching session?
Know what is lighting you up versus what is really bringing you down. And based off of this reflection, start thinking and identifying what were those types of speaking opportunities or visibility opportunities that really worked for you. Once you identify that, I want you to ask yourself, how can I do more of this in 2023? Be sure to give yourself space for a moment to brainstorm and start asking deeper questions.
Now once you have some ideas around where you can get started to find some of those podcasts or speaking opportunities, start thinking about what you want these visibility opportunities to do for your business. What is your goal around this this year?
Remember that you’re running businesses so you always have to have strategic objectives in place and then you pick the strategies to match those objectives then you define more specific objectives within that strategy.
Here are five specific speaking strategies for entrepreneurs that help them get results:
- Building confidence and articulating yourself
Whether it’s speaking up in a meeting, thinking on your feet during a Q&A or addressing a price question with a client, you’ve got to clearly and concisely share your thoughts and jump into the conversations that matter. (Learn How To Articulate Your Thoughts So They Make Sense To Others–listen to Podcast Episode #2 right here)
- Building your authority and credibility
Maybe for you speaking on stages or on a podcast next year is all about positioning yourself as that go-to thought leader in your space. When you position yourself as an industry authority, opportunities will come to YOU. You attract clients, get more recognition and get paid, very well. (Want to be more sophisticated when talking about what it is you do–give Podcast Episode #137: “How to boost your authority and become the go-to in your industry” a listen)
- Building your email list
Maybe your goal is to build your email list next year or your podcast numbers–both are great goals. If you’re a podcaster, a great way to build your podcast numbers is being on other shows. There are people who already have developed the habit of listening on podcasts and if they like you, they’re more likely to listen to your show. That’s how we were able to grow this show so well in the last three years.
- More visibility to get your offer in front of more people
You might be trying to get more visible because your goal is to get your offer in front of more people, ie, make sales. But if you show up saying, ‘hey, how can I pitch to your audience?,’ it’s probably not going to go over very well . They’re gonna shut you off pretty quickly.
But here’s my bonus strategy you can steal if you’d like. 🙂
If you leverage speaking with strategy number two (ie, building your authority and your credibility) and you find a really great connection, you can switch strategies from number two and go to number four.
You can talk to the host about doing a joint venture launch for their audience which simply means you’re doing a workshop or a webinar with their people or even just an email campaign dependent on your offer.
Essentially, it’s where they launch you (you and them together), jointly launch your offer to their audience and they have a revenue share from it.
So there’s a little shortcut, if your goal is making sales next year. You can do that by way of establishing relationships and extending your authority out through other people’s stages and then go into joint venture launches. That’s an exceptional way for you to make sales leveraging someone’s audience. It’s a win-win for both.
- Get paid to speak
If you want to become a professional paid speaker, getting on virtual podcasts and other guest speaking opportunities are a great way for you to showcase that you are a great speaker. So you might want to get on some podcasts to establish that credibility, collect some of those ‘as seen on’ relevant podcast shows in the niche you’re in. Doing that will help you get to that end goal of getting paid to speak.
- Ep 64 – 4 Things to Do NOW to Prepare for Pitching in 2021
- Ep 111 – How to Raise Your Speaking Fee (even if it’s currently zero)
- Ep 133- Get More Out of Your Podcast Interviews with Christina Lenkowski
- Ep 36 – 5 Steps to Starting a Podcast with Krystal Proffitt
- Ep 146 – 5 Ways to Save Time and Get More From Podcasts & Speaking Gigs
- Ep 176 – How to Personalize Pitching using a VA with Emily Reagan [Part 1]
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