This is Part 2 of a 3 part series on building the “know, like & trust factor” with your online audience. Listen to part 1 with Bobby Klinck here.
There’s something about a podcast that’s different than any other kind of stage.
Building a relationship through the earbuds of your audience is one of the most effective ways to create that know, like and trust factor. The auditory connection is unlike any other form of content.
You feel like you actually know the person you spend an hour or more with each and every week.
If you’ve been thinking about jumping into the world of podcasting or are early in your journey behind the mic, this episode is for you.
Podcasting expert and host of The Proffitt Podcast,Krystal Proffitt joins me to break down the mystery of this world behind the mic.
Krystal shares “anyone who’s looking to establish credibility or authority within their space, a podcast is perfect for you because it gives you the chance to go even deeper into why you are an expert in what you do.”
Listen for behind the scenes stories and insider secrets, including how the Finding Your It Factor podcast moved from a secret dream in my Start Today Journal to a thumbnail on my vision board to a top rated show on iTunes (ok we broke the top 100 marketing podcasts in the US for like a week).
In this episode I pepper Krystal with ALL THE QUESTIONS and asked her to share her simple 5 step strategy to starting a podcast (it’s not as complicated as you might think).

Here’s a few highlights:
On pivoting from her original show to a podcast about podcasting.
24:47: I will be the first to tell you that pivoting to podcasting was the absolute scariest thing that I’ve done to my business so far. But it’s also been the biggest thing that has paid off for me because I focused on one thing.
Is it too late to start a podcast? It seems like there are already too many podcasts.
27:02 Podcasts are becoming almost like the new business card or the new website. We used to go check out someone’s social media and then go check out their website. But now it seems to be like, ‘Oh, well, so and so has a podcast. I want to go check that out.’ It’s almost like getting to know someone before you ever have that initial meeting with them.
37:00 If someone’s listening to this, they’re like, ‘Yeah, I thought about podcasting for like 6 months.’ There’s too many people. It’s overcrowded, like you don’t understand my industry. I’ve heard this so many times. You don’t understand. I will tell them. ‘You’re right. I don’t. I know my industry, and I know the ones of my members, and my students, and my clients, the people I’ve worked with. The one thing I do know and I’m going to circle back around of what I said earlier is, no one can tell stories and share wisdom like you can.
On busting through fear and just getting started.
48:25 Just start. getting in the motion will help you figure out the things that you want to do and what you want to talk about. But you have to just get into motion. I love, what is Marie’s quote? Clarity comes from engagement, not thought. Get into motion and start moving forward because then you’ll find out.
What if I don’t have a good mic or other equipment?
1:04:44 You can record podcasts directly on your phone and upload them to your hosting site, and you have a podcast like you are done. That’s really the thing that I wanted to hit on. When it comes to recording, strip away all the obstacles. Get scrappy and just do it.
Any tips on getting over the awkwardness of speaking to “no one?”
1:07:29 Talk directly to that one person. Imagine whenever you’re doing all your marketing and you’re recording your show that you’re speaking to that one person because when you do that, your people will find you.
About my guest:
Krystal Proffitt is the host of The Proffitt Podcast – where entrepreneurs go to learn how to start, launch, and market their podcasts. She also teaches the basics of content creation, editing, formatting, and other skills through her digital courses and YouTube channel dedicated to podcasting.
She lives just outside of Houston, TX with her husband, 3 sons, and their snorting Boston Terrier, Wall-E.
Connect with Krystal on Instagram | LinkedIn | Facebook
Get Krystal’s Podcast Bootcamp: https://krystalproffitt.com/podcastbootcamp