When you position yourself as an industry authority, opportunities will come to YOU. You attract clients, get more recognition and get paid, very well. But in a world full of competition and endless marketing messages, how do you stand out and why would someone choose YOU?
Today’s episode will show you the 4 drivers that define every industry authority and how to leverage them for your brand. You’ll learn how to be more sophisticated when talking about what it is you do, where to focus your efforts and how to evaluable your own credibility.
Episode Highlights & Key Takeaways:
- What exactly IS authority and how do you get it?
- Competency – the nuance that you really need to embrace
- What is it that makes industry power-players the go-to? (and how YOU can become one of them?)
- How communication impacts your authority status
- The 4 Authority Drivers (with reflection questions)
Episode Show Notes:
The 4 Authority Drivers + Reflection Questions to Help You Evaluate Where You Are and Become the Go-to in Your Industry
- Competence
This is the baseline bar none in order for you to be seen as an authority in your space. You have to have a depth of knowledge and expertise for your topic — that is a non negotiable.
You are able to take complex things and simplify it in a way that helps your audience. You don’t just dump ideas on your audience, instead you speak directly to what they’re thinking, feeling and wanting at that present moment. Your competency serves a purpose and you use it for good.
❓ Reflection Q:
→ How can I showcase my experience more when I communicate?
2. Results
Industry experts who have true authority have results which means you should have a track record that demonstrates not just your competency but your effectiveness — not only do you know, but you get results.
Talk yourself up a bit more by talking about your results. People with authority status are not timid about telling you about their results.
❓ Reflection Qs:
→ How can I showcase my results authentically?
→ Are you talking about the results that you’re getting enough in your content?
3. Conviction
People who have strong authority have conviction. They are not quietly just waiting for recognition. They are up in it all. They are on the stages demonstrating, look, I know what I’m doing. They know what they’re talking about and are not egotistical about it. They believe it so strongly, it comes out.
You have to have confidence and that conviction has to come out in how you communicate (voice, body language, power words).
❓ Reflection Q
→ How can I demonstrate more confidence and competence when I speak?
4. Recognition
For authority status to be achieved you have to be recognized, and that recognition comes from other people.
So people who already have authority in your industry or authority in their own right, are stamping their seal of approval on your work. They’re recognizing you for your work.
❓ Reflection Qs→
→ How can I get others to talk about my work?
→ Where can I speak and who can I form an alliance or collaborate with?
→ Is there someone who you have worked with that you can ask for testimonials or ask them to share your work?
→ Where can you get a little bit bolder in getting that recognition?
Books Mentioned In the Episode:
Get Good with Money: Ten Simple Steps to Becoming Financially Whole, Tiffany the Budgetnista Aliche
Previous Episodes mentioned:
Zach Spuckler: Using a Challenge for Your Next Launch – Ep #102
Becoming a Trusted Authority in Online Marketing with Andrea Howe – Ep #37
5 Steps to Starting a Podcast with Krystal Proffitt – Ep #36
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