March 21, 2022

When can I start speaking on stages?

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When can I start speaking on stages?

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If you’ve felt the pull to share your story in a bigger way from stages, the question is when is the right time to get serious about it?

If you’re like most business owners, you have a list, a mile long filled with competing priorities– many of which are on the “do it now” list, so “speaking on stages” just doesn’t feel urgent.

But what if I told you that speaking on stages is something that can happen much sooner than you think? And what if I told you that the #1 regret my private clients have is not preparing for big stage moments sooner? What if I told you that by taking steps now to speak on stages, you would actually improve other areas of your business?

This is what we’re going to explore in today’s episode. I’ll share when to start getting serious with pursuing stages.Spoiler – the sooner you START, the sooner you’ll get good at it. 

And when you have the skills to command a stage, it makes micro moments like selling, recording videos or going live, far less stressful and more impactful.

Episode Highlights & Key Takeaways:

  • Reasons why people don’t pursue speaking on stages (even if they feel they’re called for it)
  • Rear view reflections from my clients around what they wish they would have done differently when they’re working on speaking on stages 
  • When a speaking opportunity rises – would you be ready?
  • 3 BIG reasons why you should be serious about speaking on stages

Episode Show Notes

3 BIG reasons why you should be serious about speaking on stages

1. You will improve your message.

Your message is going to morph over time. Your ideas will evolve. The way you speak will evolve. Your stories will get better, you’ll find better metaphors and ways to explain things. But none of that can happen if you aren’t willing to START.   

You can do a Facebook live, be a guest on a podcast, speak at virtual summits, guest speak in peoples groups, or speak to your own audience, your own clients or your own events. There’s all these different things, and you being able to show up on these stages to fine tune your message will only allow you to make your business stronger. It’s going to give you the chance to make your message better so that when you get that big stage moment that your heart is really after, you will be ready for it. You will be at the caliber to rock that stage. 

2. You will elevate your DELIVERY skills. 

When you have your content planned, you’re able to stress less about saying the “right things” and focus on being present with great energy. You get to bring a performance through HOW you share the message.

Most people overestimate their own delivery skills. They think they’re more charming, more charismatic, more dynamic than they actually are when they present. This was something I struggled with. I thought I was so dynamic and charismatic and then one day I watched a tape and I was like, what the hell am I doing with my hand? 

Delivery skills are important and will take time to learn just like learning any skill. The people who really captivate our attention have mastered delivery skills. It is an art for sure and you have to get better. You have to start practicing. The faster you get serious about learning those skills, the easier those skills and the more natural they will become to you.

3. Your business will be stronger OFF stage.

I hear from so many business owners that speaking is a later kind of thing. They’ll do it later but right now they need to get clients, focus on getting their social in order, get on their podcast, or whatever XYZ they have. There are all these different reasons and something else is more pressing now. 

But I want you to get serious about speaking on stages right now because speaking is infused in all the areas of your business and as a solopreneur, you’re the voice of your business. It requires you to communicate with an audience of people. You are already speaking to people every single day. The question is, how effective are you doing it?

Books Mentioned in the Episode:

Fear is My Homeboy, Judi Holler

The War of Art, Steven Pressfield

Previous Episodes mentioned:

Make Fear Your Homeboy with Judi Holler – Ep #44

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Sprinkle these 19 magnetic phrases into your next talk or interview to boost your authority and seamlessly sell your stuff. 

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