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If you’re feeling burned out (or super intimidated) with live webinars and are looking for a way to engage with your audience and launch your program to a group of engaged and excited buyers, listen in to my conversation with challenge pro, Zack Spuckler.
A 6-year online marketing veteran, who’s generated over a million dollars from a launch-based business, he’s been featured on top podcasts like EO Fire, The Online Marketing Made Easy Podcast, The Mind Your Business Podcast, and The Art of Paid Traffic Podcast.
And today, Zach is sharing his insights with you.
Not only do we talk about how live challenges create quick wins and momentum to sales, we get real talking about transitioning from revenue-based goals to ones of impact.
Episode Highlights
- Zack shares a 3 Step recipe to host your next challenge launch
- Why the idea of higher price point means higher commitment is a bogus concept
- What “value” truly means and how to keep your audience at the center for your business decisions
- What it means to “create a gap” and problem solve when selling
- How to recalibrate the ruler you use to measure your business success
- Plus side tangents on nail polish, bumper bowling, designer bags and diastasis recti (summation, one helluva conversation).
Things to Consider in Creating a Challenge
- Know the process
Send a daily email, do a daily lime stream and host everything in a private Facebook group. When you do this process every single day you get 3 touchpoints where you are connecting daily with your ideal customers who sign up for the challenge.
- Create a demand for your program
Create a gap based on the PSP (Problem Solution Problem) model. Your audience has a problem and you need to solve that with a solution (and that is your challenge) that uncovers a deeper problem that you’re really working with people on.
- Have a sales sequence ready
Write out your sales or your content sequence in advance ideally the week of the challenge. Anything you can prep in advance for your challenge is going to be the best that you could do for yourself and your sanity.
About my guest, Zach Spuckler
Over the past 6-years Zach has spent over hundreds of thousands in personal and client ads. He’s managed launches ranging from $3,000 to $300,000 and found some clear patterns. Patterns that he’s used both personally and professionally to create results. Results like a Six-Figure Info-Product Launch for himself (just over $173,000 to be exact) and Multiple Six-Figure Launches managed for clients.
He’s been featured on top podcasts like EO Fire, The Online Marketing Made Easy Podcast, The Mind Your Business Podcast, and The Art of Paid Traffic Podcast because of his launches.
In short, after making over a million dollars from a launch-based business, he’s been in the trenches of multiple businesses and he’s seen what works!
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