May 24, 2021

Gut Check Your “Should Do” List

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Gut Check Your “Should Do” List

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In today’s #mondaymotivator  we’re going to explore a word that I see a lot in the online business space and hear so many business owners use (guilty here too), “should..” 

Listen in for why I recommend you take a closer look at what you “should” be doing in your life and business. 

Key Takeaways
  • Shoulds come from external modeling or an expectation of someone else.
  • Should often sit in our to do list without a lot of forward movement, but carry a whole lot of guilt.
  • You are the business owner and you need to take ownership for the strategies and actions that you apply (don’t rely on other experts or leaders to lay out your path telling you what you “should” do.
  • Get real with yourself (empower yourself!) Make the conscious choice to either do something or you don’t. Get the “shoulds” out there – it just doesn’t serve you. 

Grab this guide with 7 strategies + 23 tactics for turning unpaid speaking engagements or podcast interviews into tangible results.

Sprinkle these 19 magnetic phrases into your next talk or interview to boost your authority and seamlessly sell your stuff. 

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