October 2, 2019

Why SPEAKING Should Be Your Next Marketing Strategy

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Why SPEAKING Should Be Your Next Marketing Strategy

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7 Strategies to Take "free" exposure to the bank.

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Does the thought of speaking on stages get your excited or make you want to hide?

As an online entrepreneur, you want to position yourself as an authority and speaking on stages is one of the fastest ways to establish yourself. But which comes first?

Authority so you get invited to speak, or speaking to be seen as an authority?

Many business owners sit on the sidelines waiting for the right moment in their business to step into the spotlight… and that’s a mistake.

Finding the courage to get on stage, can be scary. And that’s why today I’m sharing with you 7 ways to incorporate speaking into your business besides a keynote (aka big stage) presentation. Listen in to learn how you can establish your authority and make a big impact while growing your audience.

I can’t wait to hear your favorite nugget from this episode. Take a screenshot and post to IG stories and tag me @theheathersager #hintofhustle

Ready for more? Hit that SUBSCRIBE button so you don’t miss the next Hint of Hustle episode.

Grab this guide with 7 strategies + 23 tactics for turning unpaid speaking engagements or podcast interviews into tangible results.

Sprinkle these 19 magnetic phrases into your next talk or interview to boost your authority and seamlessly sell your stuff. 

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