March 4, 2020

Honor the Struggle – 7 Insights from my Experience with Brendon Burchard

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Honor the Struggle – 7 Insights from my Experience with Brendon Burchard

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When it comes to business (and life), the question we should continually be asking ourselves is:

Where am I going and how am I growing?

Now, I’m not shy about talking about how important personal development is to your business and I highly encourage my students and clients to invest in their development by attending live events. 

To give you a little taste of just how transformational these experiences can be, I’m sharing about my experience at Brendon Burchard’s live event, HPX (High Performance Experience). Specifically, the 7 insights that resonated most with me that I think will do the same for you.

  1. Going through the motions is the death of high performance.
  2. Evaluate your practice is not your personhood. 
  3. People at the highest level strategically release (let it go).
  4. It doesn’t matter how many people say no to you, as long as you say yes to yourself.
  5. A person’s gratitude for life is most demonstrated in their time at management.
  6. Bring the joy: get yourself feeling so good that other people can’t knock it out of you.
  7. Honor the struggle.

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// Find Jamie Kern Lima and Brendon Burchard on Instagram

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