February 26, 2020

Redirecting Your Nerves (and negative energy) with Whitney McNeill

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Redirecting Your Nerves (and negative energy) with Whitney McNeill

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We have far more control over our energy than we think, including nerves like stage fright.

Today, my guest, Whitney McNeill joins me for a conversation about the connection between our mind and body, managing your energy through those pesky nerves, the power of affirmations and mindset and so much more (plus of course a few random tangents from yours truly).

Whitney is a Certified Medium and Spiritual Teacher that teaches entrepreneurs how to connect with their intuition and energy so they can make aligned decisions, live their life purpose, and attract abundance into their business and lives.

Links Mentioned:

// Messenger of Spirit: messengerofspirit.com

// Connect with Whitney on InstagramFacebook

// I can’t wait to hear your favorite nugget from this episode. Take a screenshot and post to IG stories and tag me @theheathersager 

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