June 7, 2021

[Monday Motivator] Let Go 

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[Monday Motivator] Let Go 

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I just wrapped up the 75 Hard Program where I fully committed to my health, growth and development for the last 75 days. And I’ve gotten lots of questions around, how do you do all these things and still show up consistently?

Join me today on my morning walk as I share a quick conversation around the idea of letting go of this vision of needing to get everything perfect and just go get things done to move your business and life forward.

Shareworthy Insights:
  • Let go of thinking that you need to do everything perfectly.
  • Stop making your life difficult for no reason at all instead focus on what are the most critical things that need to get done to move your business and your life forward. 
  • Get real with yourself and ask, do you really need to do all of these things? Make the conscious effort to only choose those that really matter and constantly let go of the things that are not.
  • Know that there are so many productivity roadmaps and tools available to us but they’re not gonna fix the problem, you have to figure out what it is that you want and how you can make it work for you.


75 Hard Challenge

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