**This is Part 1 of a 3 part series on building the “know, like & trust factor” with your online audience.**
You can infuse your personality into a presentation, podcast or video, but if your emails resemble dry toast, you won’t keep your audience.
In business, every single touch point you have with someone is your chance to strengthen or weaken their perception of your brand.
What’s your current email relationship status?
If you’re like many online entrepreneurs, who aren’t copywriters, chances are it’s complicated.
Maybe you dread writing that weekly newsletter to your list or have lackluster engagement with the emails you DO send.
Whatever your email “complicated status” situation is, I’d like to play matchmaker.
Meet Bobby Klinck.
A Harvard Law Grad turned online entrepreneur—but he’s NOT your typical lawyer. He doesn’t do suits, he hates legalese more than you do, and has a tendency to make lame pop-culture references and dad jokes (wouldn’t mom be proud?!)
Bobby talks a LOT about this famous SNL skit:

(If you’re unfamiliar with it, we tell ya all about it in this episode.)
When Bobby makes cowbell references, you know he’s about to PREACH about how you should be showing up for your audience.
He preaches, because HE once got schooled in a pivotal moment in his business.
It was the moment he realized that something was missing from his marketing…
👉 the cowbell, aka HIM.
(Shout out to Mel from episode 34 for calling him out)👏👏👏
After trying the “secret” strategies all the “expert” online entrepreneurs were telling him to do, Bobby realized that building a successful online business isn’t about chasing secret ninja tactics —it’s about doing the basics right and showing the eff up.
And now he’s built a thriving online business by doing things a bit differently than other people… including writing emails that you actually want to read (it’s true! I’m on his list.)