We all want that outer glow. And I’m not talking about that dewy skin, outer glow like Giselle. I’m talking about magnetism. Or as we call it around here, the “It Factor”.
Today I’m sharing that the secret to embracing your “It Factor” is the inner work you do to grow yourself personally and professionally. You and I both know that personal growth is a huge determining factor for online business success. But when things get so busy and schedules fill up with launches, client calls, project plans, emails (all the things!), it’s to find time for personal and professional development.
You can’t find it, you have to create it. In this episode I’m sharing three specific actions that you can take — that don’t require much effort or time — that will help you take small steps (and big leaps) to create that outer glow and achieve those big goals.
Links Mentioned:
// Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod
// I can’t wait to hear your favorite nugget from this episode. Take a screenshot and post to IG stories and tag me @theheathersager #hintofhustle
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