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We’re back with another exciting interview from a million dollar course creator, Jono Petrohilos.
I had the pleasure of being a guest on Jono’s podcast, Course Creator Community Podcast: Craft Your SIgnature Talk with Heather Sager.
Jono’s storytelling ability and strong communication skills impressed me from the start. When I heard him share his signature story (from being ranked as the worst fitness bootcamp instructor to creating a million dollar digital course business TEACHING other fitness instructors), I knew I had to have him on the show.
In this episode we’re doing something a little different. Instead of digging into Jono’s expertise on building a digital course business (though he drops some great gems in the episode), our conversation was designed to be a case study for crafting a strong Signature Story.
You’ll hear Jono share his story (like he would from a stage), then we have a candid conversation around why it worked, what process he went through to learn how to tell his story and improve, how speaking shows up for him in his digital course business and more.
But before you dig in you might be wondering, what is a “Signature Story”?
Simply put, a Signature Story is your story as an entrepreneur of your journey related to what you do today.
Your Signature Story is NOT your resume. It is NOT a list of accomplishments and it is NOT about demonstrating how all of your experiences have “perfectly positioned you for where you are today”…
Your Signature Story is the story of the relatable STRUGGLE that led you to your SOLUTION, and the SUCCESS (aka result) of that solution on your life and business.
To dig into this topic further, check out this episode: 5 Essential Truths for Crafting Your Signature Story (plus there’s a few more storytelling episodes listed below)
Episode Highlights:
Million dollar course creator, Jono Petrohilos started as a bootcamp instructor who was underperforming. Inside his Signature Story he shares the single best piece of advice that put him on the path to success
If hearing examples from others gets your brain fired up, you’re going to love this inspiring and tangible episode.
- From being the worst bootcamp instructor to being the best
- Leveraging his signature story and how he infuses this in his business
- How finding a mentor helps him get better on what he does
- Why sharing your vulnerability or relatable struggle matters when crafting your story
- What to do if you have great content but find it difficult to present in an engaging way
- Plus Jono share his philosophy on building a Facebook Group community with engaged audience
About my guest, Jono Petrohilos
Jono is the co-founder and director at Fitness Education Online, one of the largest providers of online education for Fitness Professionals in the world selling over 100 courses every single month and generating over $1M in revenue every year.
Jono is also an award winning international speaker, best selling author and podcast host. He has recently started a new business – The Course Creator Community, where he helps other course creators to successfully create and scale their courses.
| Connect with Jono on Instagram | Facebook I | Via Website
Want to dig into Storytelling deeper? Check out these episodes:
- The Power of Story – Virtual Summit Interview – Ep #41
- 5 Essential Truths for Crafting Your Signature Story – Ep#42
- Creating Story from Struggle with Stephanie McLarty – Ep #57
- How To Come Up With A Bank Of Story Ideas For Your Content – Ep #58
- 4 Ways to Use Story to Connect in your Marketing with Lindsay Rogers – Ep #76