April 7, 2021

How To Create Trust By Setting And Communicating Your Boundaries

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How To Create Trust By Setting And Communicating Your Boundaries

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The term “boundaries” has become common vernacular in the entrepreneurial world, but its meaning and implementation often get muddy. “Boundaries” are often declared at a breaking point of resentment and frustration when client communication steamrolls the schedule for far too long, resulting in a highly uncomfortable (and often avoided) conversation.

In today’s episode, you’ll learn how to have this conversation confidently. We’ll discuss not only how to set boundaries that work for your life and business (and why you should have them in place), but more importantly how to communicate them in a way that builds client trust.

In this episode, we’ll dive into…

  • what are boundaries and why we need to set them
  • how to be explicitly clear with your boundaries
  • how to be a stronger leader and communicate your boundaries in a way that influences other people for good
  • how to reinforce your boundaries in a proactive and positive way
  • real-life scenarios/examples so you can put this into practice for yourself

Link Mentioned:

Brene Brown: The Power of Vulnerability

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