What comes to mind when you hear the words role play, rehearsal and practice?
Do you get excited? I bet not. You probably roll your eyes, become a little dizzy, and come up with a list of other things that are FAR more important in your business.
The saying goes, practice makes perfect? Well, SCREW perfect. Nobody wants to hear or watch perfect. But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t practice. If you want to show up with confidence and authority on your videos, webinars, live presentations and sales calls, practice is a necessity.
It’s how you show your audience that you value and respect their time. It’s how you NOT show up like a robot. When you practice, you can become more intentional with capturing their attention at the right times so they’ll go running to sign up for your email list (and buy your programs).
But not all practice is created equal. In today’s episode I’m sharing my 4 Levels of Practice that you can incorporate into your day to strengthen your presentation muscles with your audience.
Can’t wait to hear your favorite little gem from this episode. Take a screenshot and post to IG stories and tag me @theheathersager #hintofhustle
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